The good news is that if you're currently on a free trial, there is nothing to cancel. Once the trial period expires, your account will automatically cancel. However, if you wish to close your account before the trial ends, we can help you with that too. Read on to learn how to close your account at any time.


  1. Visit the account security and data page:

  2. Navigate to the Delete Polymail Account option



3. Follow the deletion/closure instructions:

  • A pop up will appear asking you to confirm this decision.

  • Once you've confirmed your decision, everything related to your Polymail account is completely and thoroughly removed from Polymail forever.


Closing your account after a free trial is a simple process. Remember, if you're currently on a trial, there is no need to cancel anything. Your trial will automatically cancel once the trial period ends. However, if you wish to close your account before the trial expires, follow the steps outlined above. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help you!