Ever receive mail that you don't want to read immediately? Polymail allows you to snooze your email so you can read it whenever is more convenient. 


Our Read Later feature allows you to specify a date and time you would like to see a specific message again and removes it from your inbox until that time. When that day and time arrive, we put it back in your inbox with an orange dot next to it so you can see that it's back!

To use Read Later, you can click the little clock icon at the top of your message or use your Read Later shortcut. 

Polymail Web and Desktop allow flexible scheduling so you can enter terms like "tomorrow," "next weekend," "in a month," etc. without having to know the precise date. We also provide the option to select "Last Used" if you have a Read Later preference you use often:

For example, you can schedule your email to return to your inbox next Friday at 10:00 AM:

Our scheduler will automatically interpret "next Friday" for you, consulting a calendar for you. You can choose more distant times as well, like "in two months":

Once the email has been scheduled, it will be moved from your Inbox to the Read Later folder. 

When the time that you've specified arrives, you'll see your snoozed emails back in your Inbox with an orange dot next to it, indicating that it has returned to your Inbox: